Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Monday park: April 5, 2010

Hi everyone,
I'm still very far behind with details of my fun activities!
On Monday April 5, DOJ and I met at Holly Park with a few other babies and their moms. We've all hung out before - Caelan and Buffy; Clementine and Nikki; Nolan and Lisa. DOJ and I got there first and played on the swings for awhile, then Nikki & Clementine arrived.
A little fun history: Clementine and I met in early September at Progressive Grounds. Then a few days or so after, we re-met (as well as Caelan) at a baby massage class given at the Castro Library at 26th (or so) by Castro!
We started playing on the swings, then just played on the fun soft ground. We ended things by standing up and looking by the fence. A good fun 2 hour activity - by the time I came home, I just had dinner and then went to sleep!

Nolan and I sat on the swing together and swung back and forth. It was fun although I had been a little tired from much swinging beforehand!

The light isn't gret, but here you can see the momz Buffy and Lisa (Nikki not pictured), as well as us babies: Caelen, Nolan, me, and Clementine.

Although I'm eating Caelan's book, a few minutes beforehand Nolan was eating his shoe.

Here's another aerial view!

At some point Nikki and Clementine left. Then the other boys and I practiced our standing, while watching activity through the fence! Very fun.
I am having fun now but look forward to seeing everyone else as soon as I can :)
Bye bye,
Julien the Baby

Monday, April 12, 2010

Saturday luncheon with Ruby!

Hi everybody,
Sorry I've not posted for awhile. It's been a busy past week. Time keeps flying!
So last Saturday (April 3), DOJ and I had a fun luncheon with Ruby and her parents, as well as her grandmother and her great-grandmother! It was very fun - we got to sit next to each other and enjoy fun stuff. She shared her pasta with me, which was quite yummy - I'm going to have to train my parents to make it for me. And I shared Faje Greek yogurt with her, and she loved it. So her parents are now feeding it to her!
Then we played for awhile, until it was time for us to have our respective afternoon naps. We had a lot of fun together. I can't wait until our next time to play! Pictures below...

We are sitting next to each other. I reach out for her, because I like to hold her hand!

Here she's holding my hand. We both had to stop holding hands when it was time to eat!

Ruby is showing me a ball because she wants me to play with it. OK so the truth is that it's her ball and she's just trying to play with it. And I want to play with it so I crawl over to her so that I can get closer...

Chaos ensues and I knock the ball down so that I can hold it. I know it isn't nice, but I love to play with any toy that Ruby is playing with. She has great taste with toys, so I know that anything she likes is great for me!

Ruby wants her ball back, so she reaches for it. Don't worry, I returned her ball. It's only fair! And if I didn't return her ball, she probably wouldn't invite me to play together again. I always have fun with Ruby!
Bye everybody!
Julien the Baby