Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tot Picasso - pictures from Wednesday 1/12/11

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Baby!
With the Winter Quarter under way, I'm now in my new classes that run from January to March! Every Wednesday, I have my Tot Picasso class, which is a fun art class! It's conveniently located near the house, and by our local public library and playground - so after the class, I get to play in the playground. And a lot of my baby friends are taking this class as well - Lyra, Lily, Clem, and Rowan! It's really great!
The class is taught in a gymnasium in our local SF Park & Rec Center!

Here I am next to Lyra, watching her work!

Here I am carrying a container with a paint ball!

However, despite all the fun of art class, I had a lot more fun running in the classroom!

I had a lot of fun running with Amber, Silver, and Daniel!

Here I am with Amber and Silver. I can't really remember which one is who, but they didn't seem to mind!

Here I run with Daniel! You can see that I'm still holding the container with the paint ball - it's pretty impressive that I haven't dropped it!

Here we all are against the blue wall!

Here I'm running towards the tables for Tot Picasso.

I'm not sure if you can see the paint marks on my shirt - I definitely did some painting in this class.

But I definitely had a lot of fun running about!

This was just so fun and funny for me!

Even though my jacket was hanging off my shoulders, it didn't slow me down!

The class ends with a fun circle and parachute time!I'm taking a little rest here in the parachute.

But then I realized the fun of running within the parachute!
After class ended, I went to the playground and had a lot of fun with my other baby friends for awhile. I also ate lunch there.

I'm sitting in my stroller with dessert as DOJ gets lunch for him and Mommy at Cortland Gourmet!

I have a front row seat, watching the crew from Paulie's Pickling make pickles and other yummy treats.
After DOJ got luncheon for him and Mommy, we went home and I had a really good nap! Then I got to see Ruby and Shuyi in the afternoon before returning home for a visit with PoPo!
What a fabulous Wednesday. I hope that all future Wednesdays are just as fun.
Julien the Baby

Friday, January 7, 2011

London Sunday December 12, 2010

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Baby!
I'm recounting the end of our trip in London. Basically, on Sunday December 12, we flew back home! Here are a few pictures of me playing at the airport lounge, in the children's room!

I was happy to pose for one picture.

I might have posed for more pictures, but then I got very busy! I was very very busy.
I love to play, as you can see. It's a lot of fun!
Anyway, at some point, we went to our departure gate, which was a bit longer than we might have imagined. Then we were on our plane and flying home!
After our return home, we had various activities with friends and family. I loved our trip in London, but I also loved coming home. I saw Ruby just a couple days later. Hurray!
I'll blog more when I have more time. Today I have Music Together and presumably other fun activities!
Julien the Baby

London Saturday December 11, 2010 Part 2

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Baby!
For our final day out in London, we strolled in Sloane Square and North Chelsea. Then we took the #19 bus out to Soho, and we went to Bar Italia. Bar Italia is located on Frith Street, near Old Compton Road.

Bar Italia is very special for DOJ, because he only knew about it because of the Pulp song "Bar Italia" from his favorite Pulp album A Different Class. That album made him into a big fan of the band Pulp, and as a result he met some people that were also Pulp fans, who are good friends of his, like Teresa, Alexis, Summer, Roberta, and Veronica. So whenever DOJ went to London, he'd try to go to Bar Italia. He and Mommy went there during their honeymoon in 2006!

Bar Italia is also known for having good thick Italian hot chocolate! And it's across the street from the famous jazz venue Ronnie Scott's, where DOJ went (with Tom) to see the Saint Etienne singer Sarah Cracknell perform back in October 1997, before I was born! DOJ's obsession with Saint Etienne is extremely tedious, but I'll just mention that he was very excited about Ronnie Scott's because that's where he first met and chatted with some of the members of Saint Etienne, and learned that Bar Italia was the same place from the Pulp song.

While we were enjoying our hot chocolate at Bar Italia, there was a big Santarchy group headed down Frith Street! It was a big parade of Santas!

There sure were a lot of Santas out and about! I guess it makes sense, since they all were probably making their appearances around the world, and needed a Saturday night rest!

Here we are with a very Tall Santa - he was super jolly!

Here we are with Mr. and Mrs. Santa - Mrs. Santa even gave me a fun gold coin!

DOJ and I had a lot of fun meeting the different Santas!

Mommy also wanted to be in pictures with the Santas.

I thought that this Mrs. Santa was a little up close and personal - but I'm not complaining! I just hope that Ruby doesn't get upset from this.

At some point, the Santas were disappearing from their Santarchy parade.

I got to watch as Santas were getting ready to have dinner and drinks with their friends and family.
We left shortly after this, because we had to get home and pack for our return flight home. DOJ went to one of his old haunts, Music & Video Exchange, where he bought a bunch of compact discs (including something from Saint Etienne, oy vey) which make great frisbees for me! Look below, you can see how much fun I get to have with DOJ's compact discs. Those pictures are from May 2010.

And to say that itunes ruined it for compact discs...
Julien the Baby

London Saturday December 11, 2010 Part 1

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Baby!
First of all, Happy New Year - it's already 2011! And I'm now 19 months old. I turned 19 on January 4. But don't worry, I'm still your beloved Julien the Baby!
I'm near the end of our trip report for London from last month. Sorry it's taking me so long to tell you everything. It's just been a bit busy.
So on Saturday December 11, it was our last full day in London! We took the Underground to Sloane Square and strolled towards South Kensington. We waylaid ourselves at the Duke of Yorks Square, where there were several food stands as well as a big Zara store!

DOJ and I took a beverage break. How lucky that Mommy had her camera out! I think that there's a Sparks album that has a similar picture.

DOJ was drinking a Diet Pepsi in a glass bottle!

After our snack and Zara break, we went to the Saatchi Gallery. I love seeing balls, so seeing these white ornaments was a lot of fun for me!

While Mommy and DOJ checked out the Saatchi, I had a lot of fun with PoPo!

There were a couple of other babies running around with their daddy. Admittedly they're a little older than me, maybe by a few months?

I was very very busy! After the running, we strolled down King's Road in North Chelsea - a bit different from our plan to explore South Kensington, but still a lot of fun! Then we took the 19 bus out to Soho - but that's another blog post!
Julien the Baby