Wednesday, August 11, 2010

family reunion!

Hi everybody!
We enjoyed our family reunion on my grandfather X side! Grandaddy X is one of 3 children - his older sister Ann has 4 children, and his younger sister Jane has 3 children. Then there are grandchildren like me...

Here we are having a pre-reunion dinner.

Here I am with Amelia (6 years) and Noah (3 years). They are Ann's grandchildren, and direct cousins. They are my second cousins. Or rather, my mommy is their parents' cousin.

This fireplace shot is a bit complex in terms of cousin connections and such. Left to right: Noah, Jamie, Amelia, me, Nick, and PJ. PJ, Amelia, and Jamie are siblings - they live in Ireland! So they traveled even farther than my parents and me!

The grandparents: Ann, Jane, and Grandaddy X! It's so fun to have great-aunts! Ann lives in Princeton, New Jersey and Jane lives in St Louis, MO.

Here I am playing piano with Amelia and Carter. Carter's dad Rick is Jane's youngest son.
More later!
Julien the Baby

Sunday, August 1, 2010

My friend Sam

Hi everyone!
Here are some pictures of Sam and me with our parents, out having dinner - once in late August and once in early September. I was very young at the time - just on both sides of 3 months. Sam was born in February so he's 4 months my senior. You can see how much more sophisticated he is in the pictures.

In this set of 3 pictures, you can see my parents holding Sam and me in late August 2009. We were at the Japanese restaurant Tanuki, on Cornwall and 6th (by California).

In the below pictures, we are being held by Sam's parents Jean and Trey in early September. We are at the Indian restaurant on Clement by 26th.

I think that Sam was a bit unhappy because I was focusing my attention on his mother and not him.

In this picture, you can also see our good friend Sue!
So I didn't mention that Sam's parents and my mommy (and Sue!) all went to college together. So our parents (well, not so much DOJ) have known each other for such a long time. Before Sam and I were born, our parents even went to Tahoe once for a weekend together.
Sam recently moved, but we all had dinner together a couple weeks ago... but that's another blog post!
Julien the Baby