Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Julien enjoys some Sunday music ... and part of his 15 minutes of fame

http://youtu.be/OcvNFqZkilo?t=21s Daddy and Julien wandered down to Cortland Street for the spring fair. They met up with Ruby and family -- baby sister Lucy and Shuyi and Steve. Besides playing in the famous river Bernopolis, they also enjoyed some fun Sunday music. See Julien's guest appearance in this video that appeared on the Bernalwood blog.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

November 19, 2011: Saturday farming equipment!

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Toddler!
Back in November, we spent the Thanksgiving holiday with my mommy's family in Chicagoland. We celebrated my grandmother's 80th birthday, as well as Thanksgiving. We also visited a variety of friends and family.
The Saturday before Thanksgiving, I spent the day with my parents' friend Jenny, who lives in Chicagoland and is especially a very good friend of Aunt Nancy. I previously met her because she helped take care of me on the day of Daddy X's funeral, which was extremely sweet. She goes to a farm to ride horses, and invited me to join her during our Thanksgiving trip.

November in the Mid-West is going to be cold, so I was dressed and ready for the weather!

As much as I enjoyed seeing the animals, I really enjoyed seeing the farm where they lived.

I really love construction machinery, and the farm had this gigantic front-loading bulldozer!

I even got to stand in the mouth. Imagine how large this is! You know that I'm a tall guy as it is.

Here's the picture of me in front of the front loader once again, just so you can imagine the size.
I had a fantastic day with Jenny!
Aunt Nancy is very lucky because she can see Jenny a lot. However, I don't think they play with the construction trucks together as much.
Julien the Toddler

February 11, 2012: A Streetcar Named Julien

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Toddler!
I wanted to write about public transportation. After all, it's one way that many people around the world get from one place to another.
I first experienced public transportation when I was 4 months old, when we flew to Chicago in October 2009. It was my first time on an airplane as well as any mode of public transport! Otherwise I traveled via car, stroller, and baby carrier! This is because I was not yet walking or crawling or rolling over - at the age of 4 months, I was lucky if I was rotating my body.
Since that time, I have been on public buses and subways in Paris, Manhattan, London, and Chicago. But I've never been on any form of public transportation in my home city of San Francisco!
Saturday February 11, 2012 now marks the first time that I've been on the San Francisco MUNI, my home city's version of public transportation! I rode on a streetcar - the J Church. This is not to be confused with the music band from the '90s, who my father once met while at the airport in February 1995 (he was flying to Germany and they were flying to Japan).

Here I am on the J Church, with Veronica, Nathan, and his mommy Julie. My parents and Veronica's mommy Jennifer are seated nearby. It was not possible for us all to sit together, but it was okay because we were all super close!
We headed downtown, to Market Street, to enjoy the Chinese New Year Parade!
The Chinese New Year Parade was a lot of fun! I got to sit on Daddy's shoulders and watch a lot of action for almost an hour. Ironically we stood right across from his pilates studio, which is probably why he was able to have me on his shoulders for so long! He has some good shoulder strength!
And the Chinese New Year Parade will be the focus of a separate blogpost.
After the Parade, we went to Dubai for dinner. Not the city of Dubai, but the food court at the Westfield shopping mall, because that's the type of shopping mall that one would see in Dubai! Afterwards, we took the J Church back to Jennifer's house, where we had parked our car.

When we got on the streetcar, it was a little crowded but there were 2 teenage boys sitting by the door and they moved so that Veronica, Nathan, and I could sit down! This was good because we were a little tired!

I really loved looking out the window.

Even in the dark evening (8pm), there was just so much to see in the streets of San Francisco.
Julien the Toddler
ps - I have a *lot* of information to share with my loyal readers about what I've been doing the past several months! I'm aware that I've been very busy and haven't been blogging very much.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Update - and suspending the suspension of disbelief

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Toddler!
I am very sorry for not having blogged for some time.
I always like to say that there's a lot going on. That is the usual excuse / reason I use for the delays I have with blogging.
I also have some very sad news to report. Most of you may already know this... basically, my beloved maternal grandfather, aka Daddy X, passed away on November 5, 2011. He had physical problems for the past few years, and things got worse in the latter part of 2011. We visited him several times in 2011 - February, July, August, and October. And we have skyped together a lot. Momma was able to see him right before he passed away.
Here are some pictures (video stills) from our October visit (Oct 24, 2011). We are sharing fruit salad and rice pudding / tapioca together. We also helped feed each other.
I miss Daddy X a lot - we always had a lot of fun together.

Also, I know that a lot of you think that I'm writing this blog on my own. I'm sure a lot of you have suspended disbelief that a toddler can blog. So to briefly suspend this suspension of disbelief, I want to explain that it's my own daddy who ghostwrites the blog under my name. But regarding Daddy X, there is a lot of video footage that my parents have filmed of us together, where we are both very happy and active together. And in the Todd Parr "Family" book that my parents have read, one page mentions the loss of a loved one, and we talk about Daddy X. I definitely recognize and point out pictures of Daddy X, and I know that as I get older, I'll get to watch videos where I am playing with Daddy X, and I will continue to see even more pictures of Daddy X.
I love you, Daddy X!
And in the meantime, I get to enjoy and charm my other grandparents. Well, and everyone else around me!
Julien the Toddler
ps - happy belated Thanksgiving, December holidays, and Happy New Year!

Monday, October 10, 2011

July 12 - another big day at the Randall Museum!

Hi Everybody!
It's me, Julien the Toddler!
Tuesday July 12 was a fun day for me - I went to the Randall Museum with DOJ, and met up with various friends - Zealand (with his mommy and new baby sister Avery), Ruby (with her mommy), Rowan (with his very pregnant mommy), and Marcella (with *her* very pregnant mommy). It was a very fun time together, and several of the mommies (and DOJ) got to chat about toddlerhood, pregnancy, and the other silly topics that parents discuss when they get together with us.
Although we all had fun together, for the most part DOJ just took pictures of me with Zealand because he was too busy keeping on top of us!

Here we are playing separately while being in the train room together.

At last Zealand notices my descent from the platform...

And soon we're sliding down the ramp! Behind us are his mommy and baby sister, as well as Marcella with her pregnant mommy. I assume that the mommies are discussing the joys of being mommies to toddlers and how nothing else in the world is anywhere near as important as the joy of a toddler!

Although we don't actively race each other, Zealand can slide down faster than I.
Eventually we ended up in the puppet room!

It's hard to tell, but we actually threw puppets everywhere.

We also picked up puppets... so that we could throw them again!

At one point, I was standing and holding a puppet.

Look at Zealand's speed - at one point he faced East. Suddenly he faced West!

Look how fast Zealand can move his head while I stand still! I tell you, my friend is fast!
Eventually all the action in the train room and puppet room started to get us a bit tired, so we headed to the Lego area.

We were both a bit tired and more serious at this point.

We seriously studied the Legos and how we could make some buildings - so that they can shake and fall apart during an earthquake. While Zealand works on making a Lego building, I'm preparing the earthquake speed (the black knob) - you can see my right hand!

As Zealand steadies the red building, I get ready to press the blue button, which will start the earthquake process.

You may notice that the red building has fallen... thanks to the earthquake simulation!

And in case you're wondering, I'm standing in the bin with extra Legos while Zealand is standing on a wooden bench by the Legos.
We both fit very well next to each other.
Since this fun day in early July, I have since continued to play a lot with my friends. We all have the best times together!
Julien the Toddler

Back to July... Caught in the Middle!

Hi Everybody!
It's me, Julien the Toddler!
I'm sorry that I haven't been blogging for such a long time. In fact I spent the entire month of September away from blogging. As always, there's so much going on with my life. I'm a very busy toddler, which is a bit redundant since every toddler I know is very busy! That's the part of the definition of toddler: a busy person aged between 2 and 3 years old, cute as ever, and growing up fast.
Here I am on Thursday, July 14 at the Eureka Valley playground - I spent the morning here with Henry, a fellow toddler who I've known since late 2010. We ran havoc in the playground, both together and parallel; here I am playing in the middle of the see saw, simply because I have fun sitting on a seat of the see saw, as well as sitting in the middle of the see saw when others are riding the see saw!

As you can see, initially I'm just sitting.

My weight isn't causing the see saw to tilt - rather it's one of the riders!

Here I'm still getting my bearings as the see saw tilts on each side of me!

Look - no hands!

I really enjoy stretching the arms as I maintain my balance.
And here's one of DOJ's favorite songs, to go with these pictures and blog post...

Oy vey.
Julien the Toddler

Friday, August 19, 2011

18 months later...

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Toddler.
As always, I'm very behind in my blogging but I'm trying to get caught up.
I'm so thrilled to always have a lot of fun with my friends. It's really amazing that our parents make efforts to get us together and drive us places, since I don't yet have my driver's license.
On Monday June 20, DOJ and I went to see Stef and Lily at their house. Lyra was there with her mommy, as were Penny and Abby with their mommy! Super fun!
DOJ couldn't resist taking some pictures of Lily, Lyra, and me on the couch... because as you may remember, in January 2010 he took some pictures of the 3 of us on the couch together.

That's me - caught in the middle between Lyra (in green) and Lily (in purple).

I really wasn't in the mood to pose for pictures, although the girls were more than happy to participate in a photo-op!

I was pretty much done!

Sorry DOJ - you may want to take pictures, but I didn't sign a model's consent. I'm outta here!

In contrast, here's a cute picture from another Monday - January 18, 2010 - Lily, Lyra, and me! Lily's eyes are shut only because she had kept her eyes open for the longest time, ready for a pose, except that I was looking away and DOJ was trying to get a shot where I was facing forward. Ooops. Anyway you can see the original blog post from that day by clicking here!
I'm so thankful to get to see Lily and Lyra a lot still - we're all getting older and they will both start preschool in September. My family and I feel very happy and appreciative for having known them for so long! It's just so special.
Julien the Toddler

Thursday, August 18, 2011

6/9/11 - Bernal Playground with old friends!

Hi Everybody!
It's me, Julien the Toddler!
Here I am at Bernal Playground, where I ran into some old friends - Nolan and Eli! Eli is a bit older than I, whereas Nolan is a bit younger. So this means that Eli is a bit older than Nolan. I ran into them with their nanny Graciela; granted we've run into each other at Bernal Playground a lot before, but this time we took some pictures as well!

Here we are at the slide structure - Eli is behind me and Nolan is waiting for me. Here's an exciting story - Eli is now a big brother! So big yay for Eli and his family!

These guys sure are fun! I first met Eli last summer, although I've known Nolan even longer - since February 2010, when DOJ and I first saw him and his mommy at the library and then Good Life. It was only fitting to learn that his mommy and DOJ are in the same Momz group. Eli's mommy Serena is also in the Momz group! In fact there is a blog post of Nolan and me playing together in April 5, 2010 - below is a picture from that day!

Same jacket, but different hair... click here for the link to that post!

I'm having fun just sitting on the edge of the slide...

I can't decide if I want to exit towards the left or right direction.

Finally I'm ready to exit the slide! And you can see Nolan as well! Note that this is June, but that we are ALL wearing jackets - and Eli & Nolan are both wearing hats! Incidentally the green sweater I'm wearing has a hood, and was originally a sweater that my parents bought for Veronica in Paris in 2005! Now I get to wear it...
Can I resist... If I could wear your jacket...

Julien the Toddler