Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fast Boyfriends (Girls At Our Best!)

I've never heard this song but I know that DOJ loved it, plus was really happy to have the 7" which took him a few years to find. Ironically he never even heard of Girls At Our Best! until 1993, even though their music was all released in 1980. Typical DOJ...
Anyway on Monday Feb 1, DOJ took me to Precita Park to play on the swings with some of the other babies from his Momz group. We played with Buffy and her son Caelen, and Ilaria and her son Lucas. Ilaria is from Italy so DOJ and her talked a lot about Italy stuff. I've never been to Italy so I focused more on playing with my tootsies. I've never even eaten Italian food! I feel a bit cheated about this, ha ha... in this picture, I'm on the left, Caelen is "caught in the middle" (that's for you, DOJ!), and Lucas is on the right.

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