Wednesday, September 15, 2010

More pictures from the family reunion!

Hi everyone!
I'm sorry it's been so long since I've been blogging. I'm so far behind.
I still want to share pictures from the August family reunion!

Here is a picture of a poster that Mommy made - she made posters for each of the siblings (Grandaddy X and his 2 sisters). Maya helped with the picture cuttings, and DOJ (Daddy) helped attach glue between the pictures and the posters. But it was really Mommy and Maya who did the best work.

Here's Aunt Nancy and Grandaddy X! Grandaddy X really loved the posters - he was spending a lot of time looking at them before the reunion dinner at his house.

As you can see, there were lots of family members - naturally they started to gather in the front entryway, looking at the posters and each other... Grandaddy X and his sister Ann had fun seats, watching everyone. Grams was having a fun conversation with Mommy's cousin Ellen (from Ireland) - you may remember that Ellen is the mommy to PJ, Jamie, and Amelia.

Family merged to other rooms in the house. In this picture, you can see Mommy with her cousin Dave, his wife Claudia, and their daughter Lindsey (their son Nicholas was in another room). Dave's mommy Jane (Grandaddy X's sister) is also here... and yes, I'm here with Amelia and Carter!

Here are some of my second cousins in the den - Lindsey, Adam, Noah, and Amelia.

I've really missed blogging! More reunion pictures to come... as well as my other adventures of the past month. Shouts out to Ruby!!!

Julien the Baby

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