Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My friend Sue!

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Baby!
I haven't posted in quite awhile. I've just been very very busy with my fun Winter activities (like Tot Picasso and Tot Gym). Then in February we went to Chicago and Hawaii so that I could experience 2 extreme weather situations during the same month! That was a lot of fun. But I haven't had a chance to upload pictures to my computer, so no blog posts just yet...
So I wanted to blog about my friend Sue! She's actually Mommy's friend, as well as DOJ's friend, because Mommy and Sue went to college (Brown University) together, just like Sam's mommy & daddy, and Michele (Maya's aunt), and... Ruby's mommy! So they all went to Brown, although Ruby's mommy went at a different time, so she didn't know Mommy back at college.
Anyway I first met Sue when I was just a few days old, although I don't have any available pictures just yet. But here are some other pictures of Sue and me from early times!

Here we are on August 18, 2009, with her friend Brian. I was just 2 months and 2 weeks old in this picture!

And here we all are with Sam and his parents on September 12, 2009! You can see that Sam's mommy is holding & feeding me while Sam's daddy is holding Sam, and Sue is smiling pretty for the camera.

Here Sue is holding and feeding me. You can see that even though I was busy drinking, I wanted to make sure to have a good pose for the camera as well!

Here's a picture of us with our other good friend Amy, from February 14, 2010. Although Amy's eyes were shut for the picture, you can see me grabbing for Sue while Amy's holding onto me!

Amy's another very dear friend that I'll have to blog about one day...
Anyway I'll try to not be so neglectful with my blogging, it's just that I really do get very busy! After all, I'm a baby - I'm now 21 months old. Oh speaking of which, Big Happy 21 Month Birthday to Ruby!!!
Julien the Baby

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