Monday, February 15, 2010


Veronica is like an older sister - I've known her since I was 3 days old. She's 4 years my senior; she turns 5 in April. Here are a variety of pictures of the 2 of us. Our mommies are long-time best friends - they went to sleep-away summer camp together back when they were 9 or 10 years old, and ended up in the same high school. Despite them both being from Chicagoland, our mommies both live about 5 minutes away here in San Francisco!
Here are some pictures of us from October onwards...

This picture was taken at Henry Hunan's on October 11. We dined here with our servants (aka parents) as well as Veronica's grandmother.

This picture is from November 11 or so; I love Jennifer's puppet shows!

This picture is from Saturday December 12 at Starbucks (24th Street); this was after Veronica's ballet class. Her classmate Fiona and her brother John Carlos are also in the picture.

And here's a picture from Saturday February 13 - just 2 days ago! We were at Noe Valley Rec Center. She really loves to hold me! I'll try to put up some older pictures later...

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