Sunday, March 7, 2010

Aunt Nancy & Uncle Glenn visit me over Labor Day Weekend 2009

It's been awhile but at long last I am posting some pictures and memories from Labor Day 2009. Aunt Nancy and Uncle Glenn visited and met me for the first time. It was a great visit! We spent time at home, visited with family and friends, and saw various parts of San Francisco!
Here we are in front of the Grateful Dead house in the Haight Ashbury neighborhood. We also went to a chocolate cafe and the Giant Robot store.
Aunt Nancy and me in Golden Gate Park.
Uncle Glenn and me at Yank Sing for dim sum - the Mobranskys and Heymans also joined us there.
In front of Cupid's Arrow on the Embarcadero. In August 2005, Nancy and Glenn got engaged right at this spot!
With my other Aunt and Uncle! We all got together at Il Fornaio for Monday night dinner.
I got to see Aunt Nancy and Uncle Glenn in Chicago in October and Thanksgiving. I can't wait for them to return!

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