Sunday, May 23, 2010

Provence pictures

Hi everyone!

I'm so far behind with blogging... and I know that we say that all the time here. Here are some pictures from our trip in Provence - as Rick Steves says, it's the vacation from the vacation, ha ha. Provence is quite laid back but with the many places to visit and explore, there are still ways to keep busy. We had a fabulous time here!

We stayed in the small town of GOULT, in the heart of the Luberon part of Provence; my parents rented a house from an American expat. Each day was a fun adventure! Goult is a hill town of its own, but there are also a lot of other fun hill towns in this area.

Saturday April 17: the view from Bonnieux, a nearby town where we had amazing Provencale pizza for supper!

Tuesday April 20: sitting on the visitor train in Arles, a port city that has a Roman amphitheatre (coliseum).

Goult - that's where we stayed!

Friday April 23: in the heart of L'Etang! Woah.

Friday April 23, Evening: A view from the windmill in Goult. It was hard to believe that we would depart on the following day. The only drawback to staying in Provence is that we're not in Paris... we loved both Paris and Provence. And I think that if we had gone anywhere else... we'd also love it!

My parents were married in Toscana (Italia), and they said that a lot of the towns in Provence reminded them of being in Toscana. I've never been to Italia so I can't make the same comparison!

Julien the Baby

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