Monday, October 10, 2011

Back to July... Caught in the Middle!

Hi Everybody!
It's me, Julien the Toddler!
I'm sorry that I haven't been blogging for such a long time. In fact I spent the entire month of September away from blogging. As always, there's so much going on with my life. I'm a very busy toddler, which is a bit redundant since every toddler I know is very busy! That's the part of the definition of toddler: a busy person aged between 2 and 3 years old, cute as ever, and growing up fast.
Here I am on Thursday, July 14 at the Eureka Valley playground - I spent the morning here with Henry, a fellow toddler who I've known since late 2010. We ran havoc in the playground, both together and parallel; here I am playing in the middle of the see saw, simply because I have fun sitting on a seat of the see saw, as well as sitting in the middle of the see saw when others are riding the see saw!

As you can see, initially I'm just sitting.

My weight isn't causing the see saw to tilt - rather it's one of the riders!

Here I'm still getting my bearings as the see saw tilts on each side of me!

Look - no hands!

I really enjoy stretching the arms as I maintain my balance.
And here's one of DOJ's favorite songs, to go with these pictures and blog post...

Oy vey.
Julien the Toddler

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