Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nap time

Julien generally can take a 2 hour nap every morning. On some lucky days, there will also be a nice nap in the afternoon. In general the nap occurs in the bed of MOJ and DOJ, sometimes with either or both parents also enjoying a nap! But in general, this nap gives us a chance to eat, work, or relax outside of the bedroom.
This nap is sometimes routine, starting at 9am after a fun hour or 90 minutes of breakfast, diaper change, and playtime with MOJ and DOJ. Sometimes Julien gives the cues of needing a nap by rubbing his eyes or yawning. But he still will resist the start of a nap - he'll try to sit up, he'll keep his eyes wide open, or he'll out-and-out protest! Sometimes we'll ignore these signs of resistance and he'll succumb to the joy of slumber; other times we'll give him a little shot of formula and he'll then fall asleep. And then it all looks rather blissful... there will then be a quiet yet powerful sigh of relief from either or both parents. And if it ever feels boring, never fear - a new day is less than 24 hours away!

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