Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Today (Wednesday) was a super fun day - after a shorter-than-usual morning nap and fun with MOJ, Julien and DOJ had lunch with Teresa at a ramen place across from ACT. DOJ and Teresa quite enjoyed their ramen while Julien enjoyed some yummy formula! Hurray.
Then Julien and DOJ had a fun playdate with Shuyi and Ruby! Ruby and Julien are longtime baby friends who coincidentally are also in the same GGMG playgroup. There was good weather, and we all strolled to Sharon Meadows at Golden Gate Park... to the baby swings! Super fun. As you can see in the picture, we not only were happy babies, but it showed! The trifecta of taking a picture of two happy babies revealing their happiness is a super bonus, considering it was taken with DOJ's iphone and not an SLR.

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