Saturday, November 27, 2010

Halloween 2010: October 31 party at Avery's!

Hi Everybody!
Happy post Halloween!
On Sunday Halloween, we went to Avery's for a Halloween party. Avery is in the playgroup that we joined soon after I was born. It's referred to as a "working mom's" playgroup, so in general both parents work during the week. When we were all very young, our mommies were taking time from work so we would get together once a week. Gradually the other mommies started returning to work, which is how Mommy and I joined our other playgroup, and thus how I got to meet Ruby! Anyway, my first playgroup still periodically gets together.

Here I am at home before the party - this and other Chinese emperor costumes are from Uncle Justin and Aunt Chloe! They arranged for these costumes to be made for me when I was still a very tiny baby!

Here you can see how the back of the costume appears.

Here we are in costume at Avery's!

In this picture, Alys is on my right, as Ms. Peanut. On my other side are Nolan (bear), Aiden (lion), and Natalie (Notre Dame cheerleader).

I'm pretty impressed that we all sat still for the picture, for the most part. In this picture, Dev (cowboy) has already disappeared, while Sophia (fairy) is up and ready to move! Avery (princess) is next to Alys.





Because this was during the heat of the World Series, everybody was excited for the SF Giants baseball team!

I really love balloons!

Avery (with her mommy Christina and daddy Brent in the background)

Alys and Dev

I always have fun with these babies! These babies and their parents will always be special for us, because we were all the first playgroup together. I hope that we all get together again soon!
Julien the Baby

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