Saturday, November 27, 2010

Some of my Daily Activities

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Baby!
I know that sometimes people wonder how I spend my days. After all, I'm a baby so I'm not working or going to school.
During the week, I am usually with one of my parents (or sometimes Popo - DOJ's mommy). I'll wake up in the morning and have breakfast. We have some form of morning activity, where I get to utilize some of my fun energy! After that I'll have lunch and a good nap. Then I'll get to do something fun in the afternoon before dinner, then it's time for bed.

I go to Tot Gym two days a week. Basically it's an opportunity to play in one of San Francisco's Park & Recreation Centers, in a nice large room with many fun toys and mats that I don't have at home. Plus there are other babies there, within a year or so of my own age.

I don't have one of these cars at home, so it's nice to practice my driving when I go to Tot Gym. Sometimes other babies are using the cars, so I need to wait my turn. It's not always easy, but my parents think that it's good for me to learn patience this way.
As a bonus, after Tot Gym I can often play in the playground for more activity! And then I'll have a good nap. I love napping, even if I protest beforehand.

Another activity I have is Music Together, which takes place one day a week. It's a very fun music class!

Part of the class involves being underneath a parachute with other babies!

In general I'll be with one of my parents in class, but I like to wander and see what's going on.

Teacher Andrew is really nice about letting me (as well as the other babies) touch his guitar! He's really nice.
The nice thing about Music Together is that it's near shopping and a playground, so after class I can have more fun. Admittedly this makes me a little tired, so afterwards I'll usually have a nap.

Finally, here's a video of me playing on a slide at Tot Gym!

Julien the Baby

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