Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lily - another baby friend!

Hi everyone!
I know that I talk about Ruby and other babies a lot, but sometimes I forget to mention other baby friends! For example I still haven't talked about Sam, who is one of my dearest friends - I've known him since I was 5 or 6 days old!!! And I've still not blogged about Sam! He inspired me to enjoy being upside-down. One day...
Anyway this post is about my friend Lily - you may remember seeing a January 2010 post when I was with her and Lyra. I first met Lily in September at Progressive Grounds, in the back "baby" room, at a Bernal Heights Parents Group meet-up. Dare I say that I just may have met her before Ruby...

Here we are in late December 2009 - I think our parents were about to take us to Chloe's for lunch! Her mom and my dad sure love the salads at Chloe's!

Here we are playing later that day. December 28, if you must know the exact details. Note that we're both wearing bibs, because we were drooling a lot back then. Now we just wear bibs when we're eating!

And here we are with Lyra in January 2010, at Lyra's house. It was a cold wintery January day, so we were dressed warmly... although Lyra's house was nice and cozy.
I'll have to post more pictures from more recent days, but I wanted to share these pictures now before I forgot!
Julien the Baby

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