Friday, January 7, 2011

London Sunday December 12, 2010

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Baby!
I'm recounting the end of our trip in London. Basically, on Sunday December 12, we flew back home! Here are a few pictures of me playing at the airport lounge, in the children's room!

I was happy to pose for one picture.

I might have posed for more pictures, but then I got very busy! I was very very busy.
I love to play, as you can see. It's a lot of fun!
Anyway, at some point, we went to our departure gate, which was a bit longer than we might have imagined. Then we were on our plane and flying home!
After our return home, we had various activities with friends and family. I loved our trip in London, but I also loved coming home. I saw Ruby just a couple days later. Hurray!
I'll blog more when I have more time. Today I have Music Together and presumably other fun activities!
Julien the Baby

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