Friday, January 7, 2011

London Saturday December 11, 2010 Part 1

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Baby!
First of all, Happy New Year - it's already 2011! And I'm now 19 months old. I turned 19 on January 4. But don't worry, I'm still your beloved Julien the Baby!
I'm near the end of our trip report for London from last month. Sorry it's taking me so long to tell you everything. It's just been a bit busy.
So on Saturday December 11, it was our last full day in London! We took the Underground to Sloane Square and strolled towards South Kensington. We waylaid ourselves at the Duke of Yorks Square, where there were several food stands as well as a big Zara store!

DOJ and I took a beverage break. How lucky that Mommy had her camera out! I think that there's a Sparks album that has a similar picture.

DOJ was drinking a Diet Pepsi in a glass bottle!

After our snack and Zara break, we went to the Saatchi Gallery. I love seeing balls, so seeing these white ornaments was a lot of fun for me!

While Mommy and DOJ checked out the Saatchi, I had a lot of fun with PoPo!

There were a couple of other babies running around with their daddy. Admittedly they're a little older than me, maybe by a few months?

I was very very busy! After the running, we strolled down King's Road in North Chelsea - a bit different from our plan to explore South Kensington, but still a lot of fun! Then we took the 19 bus out to Soho - but that's another blog post!
Julien the Baby

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