Friday, August 19, 2011

18 months later...

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Toddler.
As always, I'm very behind in my blogging but I'm trying to get caught up.
I'm so thrilled to always have a lot of fun with my friends. It's really amazing that our parents make efforts to get us together and drive us places, since I don't yet have my driver's license.
On Monday June 20, DOJ and I went to see Stef and Lily at their house. Lyra was there with her mommy, as were Penny and Abby with their mommy! Super fun!
DOJ couldn't resist taking some pictures of Lily, Lyra, and me on the couch... because as you may remember, in January 2010 he took some pictures of the 3 of us on the couch together.

That's me - caught in the middle between Lyra (in green) and Lily (in purple).

I really wasn't in the mood to pose for pictures, although the girls were more than happy to participate in a photo-op!

I was pretty much done!

Sorry DOJ - you may want to take pictures, but I didn't sign a model's consent. I'm outta here!

In contrast, here's a cute picture from another Monday - January 18, 2010 - Lily, Lyra, and me! Lily's eyes are shut only because she had kept her eyes open for the longest time, ready for a pose, except that I was looking away and DOJ was trying to get a shot where I was facing forward. Ooops. Anyway you can see the original blog post from that day by clicking here!
I'm so thankful to get to see Lily and Lyra a lot still - we're all getting older and they will both start preschool in September. My family and I feel very happy and appreciative for having known them for so long! It's just so special.
Julien the Toddler

Thursday, August 18, 2011

6/9/11 - Bernal Playground with old friends!

Hi Everybody!
It's me, Julien the Toddler!
Here I am at Bernal Playground, where I ran into some old friends - Nolan and Eli! Eli is a bit older than I, whereas Nolan is a bit younger. So this means that Eli is a bit older than Nolan. I ran into them with their nanny Graciela; granted we've run into each other at Bernal Playground a lot before, but this time we took some pictures as well!

Here we are at the slide structure - Eli is behind me and Nolan is waiting for me. Here's an exciting story - Eli is now a big brother! So big yay for Eli and his family!

These guys sure are fun! I first met Eli last summer, although I've known Nolan even longer - since February 2010, when DOJ and I first saw him and his mommy at the library and then Good Life. It was only fitting to learn that his mommy and DOJ are in the same Momz group. Eli's mommy Serena is also in the Momz group! In fact there is a blog post of Nolan and me playing together in April 5, 2010 - below is a picture from that day!

Same jacket, but different hair... click here for the link to that post!

I'm having fun just sitting on the edge of the slide...

I can't decide if I want to exit towards the left or right direction.

Finally I'm ready to exit the slide! And you can see Nolan as well! Note that this is June, but that we are ALL wearing jackets - and Eli & Nolan are both wearing hats! Incidentally the green sweater I'm wearing has a hood, and was originally a sweater that my parents bought for Veronica in Paris in 2005! Now I get to wear it...
Can I resist... If I could wear your jacket...

Julien the Toddler