Thursday, April 14, 2011

Snoopy and me...

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Baby!
Well, as you know, I'm now 22 months old. Some people say that I'm no longer a baby, but rather a toddler. But DOJ still calls me his baby, so for now I just humor him by saying that I'm Julien the Baby!
Anyway on Saturday April 9, not only was it Teresa's birthday, but I got to spend the morning in the Presidio! I had brunch with Mommy and DOJ and PoPo, then we played in the nearby grassy area.

It looks like I'm in the forest, but really it's just a grassy area. My parents and PoPo were around me the whole time!

While walking about, I met a Labradoodle doggy named Snoopy.

Snoopy sure was friendly and gentle. He was very mellow.

It was nice to sit next to him - he was so big, but so fluffy and comforting!

It was a very mellow and relaxing day. I sure had a fun time!
Julien the Baby

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