Saturday, April 2, 2011

Examples of a typical day

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Baby!
I know that sometimes people wonder what I do all day, just like that old Richard Scarry book "What Do People Do All Day?"
So here are some pictures of activities I had on Saint Julien's Day, which is Thursday March 17.
Things started off at Tot Gym!

You may remember the Leaders of the Pack blog post! Well, it was from this day!

After Tot Gym, I played in the nearby playground. It was a lot of fun. I like to do a lot of different things, like climbing up onto structures, playing in the sand, going down slides, and just overall running around. Usually I'll play in the sand with other babies, but a lot of time the other babies can't keep up with me!
After the playground, we usually stroll to get lunch for DOJ, and then we go home where we'll have lunch and then I'll have a nice afternoon nap! Before the nap, I'll get a new fresh diaper and will change into PJs. It's nice to have a nap wearing fresh undies and PJs! I'll nap anywhere between 90 minutes and 3 hours, depending on how tired I am. It's great to have a nap, because then my mind and body can be rested and rejuvenated!

After the nap, DOJ changed my diaper and changed my clothes. Then we had a playdate with my friend Rebecca and her mommy Andrea, who we hadn't seen in a little while. We played both inside and outside - it was a gorgeous day and she has a water table, so we had a lot of fun with the water! Let's just say that after our playdate, I got to have another outfit change.

After the playdate and outfit change, my parents and I headed out to Off the Grid in the Haight Ashbury, where we got to enjoy dinner with Mommy's book club friends! They selected yummy foods from different food trucks and then we sat down and ate together. One of Mommy's friends let me play with her cell phone, she was so nice!
Then we came home and I went to bed!
And that was my Saint Julien's Day fun!
Julien the Baby

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