Sunday, January 17, 2010

Julien's Prairie Home Companion

On Saturday Morning, Julien awoke a tad early, at 7:15am. MOJ cleverly decided that we'd feed him in bed and then try to induce an immediate nap, with major success! Julien consumed breakfast and then napped from 7:30 to 8:45am! This was perfect timing, as at 9am, our friend Julie H came over and we went to Sally's for breakfast, although sans (senza/sin) MOJ, who was able to enjoy a little extra slumber. Here's a picture of Julie and Julien, on Saturday July 12.
After Julie's visit, Momzilla (aka Grandma Lil aka Mother of Groomzilla) visited at 1:15pm to babysit for the afternoon, so that MOJ and DOJ could go to see Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion performed live (for radio broadcast) at the War Memorial Opera House. The Opera House is lovely, although admittedly not as nice as the one in Bayreuth, which DOJ enjoyed visiting in Feb 2008. The performance was lovely, super fun...
After the performance, MOJ and DOJ secured more free babysitting time and then went to Hayes Street Grill for post-matinee supper. Big hurray!

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