Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunday: Scottsdale to Sedona

Sunday January 24 was a fun day - MOJ and DOJ packed my 8 suitcases, and put them and me in the car. Did I mention that they are driving a Nissan Hybrid? DOJ keeps the key in his pocket and the car still drives. I keep asking him to let me hold the key while he or MOJ drives, but DOJ said that the key needs to be in his pocket for the car to operate.
We drove to Scottsdale and my parents had lunch at The Grapevine, a place where MOJ and her mother (aka Grams) used to lunch back in the days that they went to Arizona to visit MOJ's grandfather Sidney, who is my great-grandfather! Wow. We drove to the neighborhood where Great-Grandfather Sidney lived and although my parents took a lot of pictures, they haven't yet emailed them to me. Maybe one of them will post about Great-Grandfather Sidney's house separately. We even ate some oranges from one of his houses there.
We then went to Sugarbowl Bakery where I enjoyed two Sundaes, one with hot fudge, the other with caramel. I let my parents eat them, but I sure had fun watching them eat. Here's a picture of DOJ and me at Sugarbowl!
Now we are in Sedona, home of the Red Rocks. It is utterly beautiful here.

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