Sunday, June 20, 2010

Aunt Nancy & Uncle Glenn visit during Memorial Day Weekend 2010!

Hi everyone!
On Saturday May 29, Aunt Nancy and Uncle Glenn paid us a visit! It was very fun - they stayed with us and we did a lot of fun activities together.

We ate Mexican food at Dos Pinas, they helped us set out our deck furniture after a very long Winter & wet Spring storage, and they babysat me on Saturday night so that my parents could have a date night - supposedly they went to Cafe Jacqueline and enjoyed souffle!

On Sunday we had a fun luncheon with Billy and his family. Billy is a longtime family friend who went to the same college as Aunt Nancy. We also went to Yogurt's house and enjoyed their pool and company, although I don't seem to have any pictures from that visit. We had dinner at Chef Jia's restaurant in Chinatown - it's next door to the always-popular Nanking House, but it wasn't too crowded.

On Monday we went to a Giants ball game at the ballpark! Very fun. We sat behind 3rd Base. It was a little sunny but I wore a lot of sunscreen!

Aunt Nancy & Uncle Glenn enjoyed some tourist activities on Tuesday, but we all had dinner at Memphis Minnie's BBQ and then dessert at Mission Pie.

They flew back home on Wednesday, but we had a fun meal at Town's End. It was sad to see them leave, but I'll get to see them again over the summer. That's going to be a lot of fun!
Julien the Baby

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