Saturday, June 5, 2010

May fun with Ruby!

Hi everybody,
Thank you for your birthday wishes. It's really very nice. I can't believe I'm 1 year old right now. It feels just like a year ago that I was born. Time sure flies.
My good dear girlfriend Ruby turns 1 on Monday! I want to wish her a happy birthday!
Here are some fun pictures from May 11 and 12, when we had fun playing together!

Here we are in St Mary's Playground, which isn't far from Holly Park. Mommy's playgroup met here on Tuesday May 11 - I think that everybody had a great time. This is a wonderful park (I'd already been here before with DOJ the week before, but that's another blog post) which had an amazing renovation.

Here we are playing at Ruby's on Wednesday May 12.

I helped push her on her tiger car.

After playing with the tiger car, we were both feeling hungry so we enjoyed a yummy buffet of foam letter blocks. We worked together to devour the foam, just like how hungry tigers chow together when they have their lunch!

After snacking, we decided to have dessert and again worked together to separate the foam block letters. I don't think that our parents were very thrilled, but they were both laughing a lot!
Happy Birthday Ruby - we'll get together soon!
Julien the Baby

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