Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday 6/12/10: Mommy Playgroup Birthday Party

Hi everybody!
Today (Saturday June 12) was our playgroup's birthday party celebration! As most of my readers know, I'm in a GGMG mom's playgroup that meets together on Tuesdays. There are 11 of us, and we were all born between May and July 2009. For the celebration, 10 of us met with both parents, which was very fun. We met at Karl Marx Meadows in Golden Gate Park.

As one can imagine with big playgroup celebrations, there were a lot of fun picture opportunities. One of the mommies suggested a joint picture of just us babies, although Ollie is missing in this picture! You may notice that we are all wearing matching shirts with our first name's initial! Very fun.

Here we are playing with a ball & ladder game. I think that one of the daddies brought it for us to play with, but at one point some of the daddies were playing with these instead!

Here are us babies with our mommies!

And then there were pictures of us with our daddies! You can see that we're on our daddies' shoulders for this picture!

This was just so fun!
I'd like to thank everybody at the party for making it so great.
The party was from 1 to 4(ish), and after the party I fell asleep in the car almost immediately! Then when we got home I probably slept for another 2 hours. Then we had dinner, I had a fun bath, and now I'm sleeping once again...
Julien the Baby

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