Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy Anniversary to My Parents!

Dear Mommy and Daddy,
Happy 4 year anniversary! September 18 marks your anniversary for your wedding of September 18, 2006!
Here are some pictures related to your wedding... bet you didn't think I'd find these - but I'm a baby, and I can do anything I want!

Here are Mommy and Daddy in Paris a day after they got engaged (November 2005)!

Here's Mommy looking at Daddy and thinking of how much more exciting their lives will be together!

Here they are on their wedding day in Italy (San Polo en Cianti, Toscana), on September 18, 2006. Their officiant is also there in the picture, since he had to make their wedding official!

Here they are in Paris before the Eiffel Tower in November 2005.

Here they are again in Paris, on April 12, 2010, in front of the Eiffel Tower... with me! Yay me!
Happy Anniversary Mommy and Daddy! I love you very much! As my anniversary gift to you, I'll let you spend the whole day with me, and we can do whatever you want. I won't leave you at all today. I may even try to sacrifice my nap so that you can spend more time with me.
Julien the Baby

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY GUYS!! To Many Many More healthful happy wondrous years!!!!
