Saturday, November 27, 2010

Friday October 22 in New York City

Hi everybody!
On Friday October 22, we had a fun active day! We decided to take a cruise to the Statue of Liberty! We stay on the boat the whole time, but we get to see the Statue from the boat. The boat ride was about 90 minutes total, which worked out great since there were still other things we wanted to do. We took a taxi to Pier 96, where the boat departed. We've found that it's actually easier (and not much more expensive) to take taxis throughout New York City when we're not going on a straight bus route, especially with my stroller.

Here we are at Pier 96, by the Hudson. We arrived early so got some time to take pictures.

I had a great seat on the boat.

The boat was slow enough so that we could admire the lovely New York City architecture.

There are some fun modern skyscrapers! And they're more fun to see when you're outside than inside them.

Here are Mommy and DOJ in front of the Statue of Liberty.

Here I am in front of the Statue of Liberty. Yes it's true - I was sleeping at this time!

After the boat cruise, we strolled along 9th Street, before heading to the MUJI store by the NYT building - it's also near Penn Station, so I think it's at 41st by 8th Street. At MUJI, my parents shopped while I got to walk along the long ramp. I was practicing my walking and running.

After MUJI, we strolled through Times Square and headed to the Japanese tonkatsu restaurant Katsu-Hama. They have 2 locations, and we went to the one that's on the 2nd floor, on 57th Street. My parents used to go to the one on 45th Street. In this picture, I'm sitting on a booster seat, because they didn't have high chairs. And this is the FIRST TIME I've ever sat on a booster seat at a restaurant, without any strap support. I guess I'm growing up!

I enjoyed reading my book and drinking milk. But I also ate a lot of rice. Because of the distractions from reading and dining, I also dropped a lot of rice on the ground! DOJ sure was busy cleaning up the table after we ate.
After dinner, we took a taxi home and I had some good slumber!
Julien the Baby

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