Saturday, November 27, 2010

October 23 - 25: The finale of our New York City vacation!

Hi everybody!
We were in New York from October 20 to 25. Even though the trip was relatively short, we had a wonderful visit! Here's the finale of our trip...
Saturday October 23 was my grandfather's birthday! So that was very nice, to honor his birthday with our New York vacation.

We started the Saturday with some upside-down time for me. I warned you that my parents are whacky!

My parents strolled me throughout the Upper West Side. Back in April when we were in Paris, my parents had some mirror fun. Here we go again...

Here we are in Central Park.

The leaves are beautiful, but I really just wanted to walk!

My parents kept me in the stroller throughout most of our Central Park walk, until we arrived at a playground. After my parents spent a decade or two trying to figure out how to actually *enter* the playground, we finally made it inside, and then they let me out of the stroller! I was finally free to walk and run about! Hurray! It was really worth the wait.

It's fun to walk through the park with a parent by my side. I get to feel like a famous celebrity with a bodyguard! Except it's even better because it's Mommy or DOJ!
We stayed in the playground until it got dark, then we exited at Columbus Circle (by the Lipstick Building at 59th Street), then walked all the way back North to 84th Street. But we met Michael around 82nd Street and had dinner together.
On Sunday October 24, DOJ and Michael went to the cinema and they saw the Facebook movie together. In the meantime, I had a leisurely morning with Mommy, and then we walked through the Columbus Street farmer's market. We caught up with DOJ and Michael and strolled some more. Then Mommy, DOJ, and I went to the High Line.

The High Line is an urban park set above ground! It uses the old railroad tracks that were above ground many decades ago! It's an architectural beauty where we are elevated above the streets of New York, in a very wide open space. Wide open spaces exist in very few parts of a city as busy and congested as New York City.

We enjoyed a fun acapella concert!

We got to enjoy wooden chaise lounges and watch the people go by for an hour. It was fun and relaxing. DOJ later read a fun interview with the actress Debra Winger, who talked about walking on the High Line with her son and a reporter, being unrecognized.

It's such a gorgeous place. We were sad to depart The High Line, but we wanted to get cupcakes at Billy's Bakery before heading home for dinner.
On Monday, October 25, we had a leisurely breakfast with Sara at Le Pain Cotidion. Then DOJ took me Michael's for a nap, and then we flew back home!
I had a great New York vacation and look forward to returning!
Julien the Baby

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