Saturday, November 27, 2010

Halloween 2010: October 26 party at Ruby's!

Hi everybody!
On Tuesday October 26, Ruby hosted a Halloween party for our playgroup! It was really fun! Since it was the day after we returned from New York, DOJ came to assist for a bit.

Here's Ben as a bumble bee! Bzzzz bzzzzz...

Here's DOJ helping me with my costume.

Here's Ruby the Panda!!!

Here's Ben and Ben! There's also a third Ben, who moved to Mill Valley, so we don't get to see him as much. So it was great that he was here, even though he's not in this picture with Ben and Ben. I think I last saw him when he hosted a Farewell party to Ollie.

For whatever reasons, our mommies insisted on being in the group picture with us. They weren't wearing costumes, but after some resistance we agreed that it was acceptable. DOJ and Ashley's mother-in-law took a lot of pictures using different mommies' cameras.

Here's Ruby and her mommy! Ruby did such a great job for the Halloween party, so we all must thank Ruby for hosting.

After the pictures were taken, we had fun in the back yard! Ruby even had refreshments for us, but it seemed like the mommies were eating everything!

Cole was having fun in Ruby's car.

After Mommy changed me from my costume to my play clothes, I then got to have a turn in Ruby's car. That was a lot of fun!
I know it's a month after Halloween, but I hope that all of you enjoyed Halloween. It was a big holiday for me. Not only did we go to Ruby's party, but there were a couple other parties. Stay tuned for more blogs about my other Halloween parties!
Julien the Baby

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