Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Belated 18-month birthday to Ruby!

Hi everybody!
It's me, Julien the Baby!
I want to wish Ruby a happy belated 18-month birthday! She turned 18 months old on Tuesday December 7. We are both growing up so much! We both walk on our own two feet, without assistance from other people. We both enjoy having dinners together, because we both enjoy eating all sorts of foods! But I'm a bit messier...

Here we are on Friday September 24, playing at Ben's house!

I helped move her car!

Here we are the following day, after having gone swimming together. We went out to dinner later that night (also with her friend Zach, who I really like a lot!).
Happy 18 months Ruby! We've come a long way Baby!
Julien the Baby

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