Sunday, December 19, 2010

London Tuesday December 7, 2010

Hi everybody!
We stayed just north of Hyde Park, which is Golden Gate Park or Central Park. All sorts of activities going on in the park...
On Tuesday, we went to the Princess Diana Playground.

It was great to see this pirate ship... because not only was I running around it, but I later got to also be *in* the ship! That was fun!

I'm hanging outside the ship with DOJ...

Ahoy Matie!

Here was some fun big basket for me...

DOJ helped me maneuver this obstacle course!

There was also a fun teepee section!

Lots of exploration for me...

I had so much fun running about. There were also slides for me to descend.

After our park adventure, I spent the afternoon at home with PoPo where it was very warm and cozy for me.

There was also a lot to examine and see! My parents took a walking tour in the afternoon, and then we all went to fish and chips dinner at Geale's in Notting Hill!
Julien the Baby

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