Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Uncle Justin!

Hi everybody!
Uncle Justin's birthday is October 29! Let's all wish him a happy birthday.
In honor of his birthday, here are some pictures of Uncle Justin with his lovely wife, my Aunt Chloe. They met in Hangzhou and got married in August 2005! In fact they have been married longer than my own parents. Not that anyone's keeping score.
I'll give more information about the below pictures...

Here they are with me on September 13, 2009; basically they're at my house for dinner!

Here we are on Halloween 2009, at the house of Veronica and Jennifer. And no, Aunt Chloe didn't grow white rabbit ears - she's always had them; she usually just keeps them covered!

Here's Uncle Justin with Aunt Chloe, and Mommy and Daddy. They came (as well as my paternal grandparents) to our house for Christmas dinner.

Here we are on Christmas Day, 2009 - in San Leandro at Great Aunt Katie and Great Uncle Hanley's house. Do you see the red hat in the picture? It's a hat that Uncle Justin and Aunt Chloe gave to me!

And lastly, here we are in June 2010, in one of my favorite restaurants for bruncheon and luncheon - Sally's, at De Haro and 16th Streets.
Have a great birthday Uncle Justin! Eat a lot of cake for me!
Julien the Baby

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